Customers often wonder why even a very short
And that, of course, makes it even more difficult for customers to estimate the necessary costs. But it's not a decision between the most expensive and the cheapest option, but rather a strategic decision about what content can be translated and in what way. Where machine translation is suitable, post-editing is usually added, i.e. the post-editing of the machine translation by a human translator. This translator then corrects obvious errors and, depending on requirements, also improves the syntax. The result cannot be compared with a high-quality human translation, but this is often not even noticeable when you read it quickly and the costs naturally go down significantly.Ian:Of course, an obvious measure of cost is how little or much text needs to HK Phone Number be translated. But what does “little” or “a lot” mean? A certain amount of basic work is probably always necessary? Tim:Every project, no matter the size, must always be prepared and connected to the customer-specific translation memory and terminology database. A suitable team of translators and proofreaders must then be selected and commissioned. This is the absolute minimum effort at the beginning of a project. Even if the project only consists of one word. So these are fixed costs for which we charge a minimum number of words per project.
Other agencies may do the same via a flat rate project fee. Every project, no matter the size, must always be prepared and connected to the customer-specific translation memory and terminology database. A suitable team of translators and proofreaders must then be selected and commissioned. Even if it's only 100 words, this preparation takes time. The preparation time also affects the delivery date. text takes at least a day to translate. The reason is that good translators are usually not available on an ad hoc basis.