These companies or sites are primarily advertising sites
I mentioned that there are many simple and easy options to start in e-commerce and that I will discuss one of them... Here I meant selling through the free Facebook store. Facebook Market Place is a free service that Facebook has made available for several years. This service allows you to display any product you want to sell to those who want to buy it.It serves as a market for displaying and selling products among Facebook Telegram Number Data users. How to add a product is very easy, and Facebook also works on a geographical distribution system, as it shows products whose owners are located in Cairo to potential buyers who also live in Cairo. Facebook Marketplace represents a great free and easy-to-implement opportunity to make profits by selling products. 16. Earn money from the Internet through file upload sites File upload sites, on the other hand, are file download sites, which many Internet users use to download files that someone else has previously uploaded.
As they offer a free file download service to users in exchange for watching their own advertisements. These ads earn them good profits, and they share a portion of these profits with the file owners, and you may be one of them. As a person looking to profit from these file hosting companies, all you have to do is find files that others need and upload them to one of these companies, and then you make people download these files through you, and then you get a profit. 17. Profit from the Internet through the Jumia website Jumia is one of the very famous stores in the Arab region, especially in Egypt, Algeria, Morocco and Tunisia, and it has a large fan base in these countries.