We established human contact through the help of
But there are certain actions that we’re not very good at, notably that of making initial contact as soon as possible after the show. All businesses send their emails between 24 hours and seven days later. We’ve decided to do it differently, by just saying thank you to people that have visited us on the booth… 30 minutes after they leave. Just thank you. No sales message.The result? Visitors come back to our booth and ask us how Phone Number Data we did it! We demonstrated the benefits of the solution in a tiny little message. an automated message. Here are the details of our best practices for a trade show. These two examples clearly demonstrate the place of the marketer and the place of technology. You can’t have one without the other. To conclude, I would like to tell you why this talk.
Because some will say: you sell marketing automation, so why critique workflows? As we have said, the scenario can be a fantastic tool, but not for plotting the entire buyer journey. At Plezi, we have developed “smart campaigns”: depending on what the prospect does online, the tool detects their buying phase, and their interests, and sends them the most appropriate content.