Cultural Affairs “Restrictions on the rights
For example, the following acts apply: Using part of another person's copyrighted work as news material Using part of someone else's work to reinforce one's own theory or comment on someone else's ideas 【conditions】 The work must have already been published Conforms to "fair practices" (for example, there is a "necessity" to quote, and in the case of linguistic works, the "quoted part" must be made clear with square brackets, etc.) The quotation must be within a legitimate range for the purposes of reporting, criticism, research, etc. (for example, the "master-slave relationship" between the cited part and other parts must be clear, and the amount of quotation must be at the minimum necessary level). (within the range, and the main text has a higher existence value than the quoted text) "Clearance of the source" is required (for cases other than reproduction, if there is a practice to do so) *In the case of works of art, photographs, short literary works such as haiku, etc., it may be possible to quote and use the entire text.In the case of works of art, photographs, short literary works such as haiku, etc., you may consider quoting and using them in their entirety. *Using someone else's work that does not necessarily appear in your own work, or using it for the purpose of actually appreciating an art work, does not constitute citation. *Translation possible (Citation: Agency for of authors (when it can be used without permission)” ) I would like Find Your Mobile Number List to pay particular attention to (2) "inevitability." Simply put, it means whether the purpose of quoting is legitimate . Reasons such as ``I quoted it because it is a well-organized text'' cannot be recognized as necessity. This is because you can prepare your own without quoting someone else's writing. For example, there are cases where it is recognized that it is necessary to present your company's ideas based on external "survey results" or "research results.
Survey results and research results are reliable because they are published by institutions in specialized fields. In other words, there is a reason why you should cite it. However, the possibility of getting into trouble is not zero, so if you are contacted by a quoting source, respond seriously. If you are unsure, it is best to check with the publisher in advance. Enter information whose authenticity is unknown Please refrain from posting false information as it will put users at a disadvantage. This can cause your company to lose credibility and have a negative impact on your business. It is important to carefully select information sources to avoid using incorrect information. For reference materials used on the website, please use information from highly reliable "public institutions" as much as possible . What not to do when designing your homepage Here, we will explain 5 things you should not do when designing your homepage.